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Wht we are about..
A list of our services
The products we are represent
Our Current Projects
The People who  we partner with....
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Starlite started as an idea, a concept and a place where dreams and ideas could be turned into real world projects. These original projects and many new ones still sustain and drive us onwards today.


Our basic mission is not to be a super corporation, not to be a care less company, not to be driven by greed but to try and enrich our lives and those who copme into contact with us.

Many of our core projects just keep going on and on, but every now and then we inject new thoughts and energies into them to keep them fresh and viable in the current marketplace. Some of our other projects have end dates and thus we are always entering into new territories to try and reinvent the wheel. This pursuit keeps us keenly focused and ready to kick start something we think has commercial merit. As we are not in the business as a copier, all our projects are original concepts.

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